Going backwards to go forwards

After running marathons and ultramarathons throughout my 30s, I’ve embarked on another super-niche, perhaps crazy fitness challenge.


I started working with a trainer about a year ago and discovered that I was strong. Maybe really strong. We kept piling on weight and hitting bigger and bigger numbers. I was squatting more than 2x my weight. Then that trainer left the gym and I started working with another trainer. 

She recognized my competitive streak and suggested that I find a meet. And then said “but first we need to work on your form”. 

This meant that I didn’t do loaded squats AT ALL for a few months. We worked on range of motion. Then we FINALLY started adding weight. I can handle about 1x my weight right now with good form. And it’s hard. And I will get stronger and get back where I thought I was. But I’ll do it the right way. 

It’s been really humbling. Where I thought I was destined for masters division weightlifting glory, I might actually just be fairly strong. Where I thought I could just muscle through (pun intended) I wasn’t doing it RIGHT. I had to stop. Back up. Listen. Learn. Practice. 

While I’ve been on this journey I’ve been leading many manager training cohorts. Some of the participants have been managers for decades. They think they’re really strong managers. But to be honest, they don’t all have great form. Those that are willing to back up, listen, learn and practice will be even stronger than they were when they started the program. Many of them do exactly this, and their reports are lucky to have them. 

Learning opportunities are gifts. In the gym or in the office. Make the most of them and you’ll go far. Or lift heavy. 

My meet is in February. Wish me luck. 


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A taste of the familiar makes the new easier to digest